Dr. Porras Garcia received his PhD in Clinical Psychology from the University of Barcelona, Spain, for his work using new technologies (specifically Virtual Reality and Eye-Tracking technologies) to improve evidence-based interventions in eating disorders and other mental health disorders. His current research focuses on the use of digital mental health interventions (e.g., serious games) in the field of late-life depression, helping to implement in a NIMH clinical trial based on a neuroplasticity-based computerized cognitive remediation intervention with older adults with major depressive disorder who have not responded to first-line treatments (R01 MH126051-01). His research also aims to translate, adapt and validate digital mental health interventions and make them accessible to minority populations historically underserved by the U.S. mental health system. Ultimately, his long-term research goal is to develop an independent research line with an emphasis on study initiation, development, and clinical trial support for digital mental health interventions.