Emphasis: Biostatistics
Education Background: Bachelor of Science in Statistics from Kwame Nkrumah University Science and Technology; Master of Statistics from Northern Arizona University
Research Interests: Data visualization, causal inference, survival analysis, statistical computing techniques relevant in health research
Emphasis: Biostatistics
Education background: Bachelor of Science from Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Master of Statistics from Northern Arizona University
Research Interests: risk management and cost- effective analysis on breast cancer decision making, machine learning in health care, survival analysis and time series data analysis
Emphasis: Biostatistics
Education Background: Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and Statistics from University of Ghana, Master of Sciences in Statistics from University of Texas, El Paso
Research Interests: Moderation and mediation analysis, causal inference, survival analysis and application of machine learning algorithms in solving problems
Emphasis: Biostatistics
Education background: Bachelor of Science in Statistics from from Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Master of Statistics from Northern Arizona University
Research Interests: Longitudinal & multilevel data analysis, causal inference, survival analysis and statistical machine learning
Emphasis: Biostatistics
Education Background: Bachelor of Mathematics from Brigham Young University
Research Interests: Survival analysis, NLP algorithms for deep learning, machine learning, electronic health records data, statistical inference, hidden Markov models, network analysis.
Emphasis: Biostatistics
Education Background: Bachelor of Music from Duquesne University, PA; Masters of Science in Biomedical Informatics from University of Utah
Research Interests: Electronic health records, natural language processing, machine learning, longitudinal data analysis, causal inference, homelessness, infectious disease surveillance
Emphasis: Biostatistics
Education Background: Bachelor of Science in Information Systems from Utah Valley University
Research Interests: Biosurveillance, machine learning, longitudinal analysis, natural language processing, and casual inference.
Emphasis: Biostatistics
Education background: Bachelor of Science in Statistics from Utah State University
Research interests: Linear Models, Multilinear Models, Machine Learning, Clinical Trials
Emphasis: Biostatistics
Education Background: Bachelor of Science in Mathematics from Case Western Reserve University and Masters of Science in Biostatistics from the University of Michigan
Research Interests: applying innovative statistical methods in observational data in order to further & expand the goals of population health research
Emphasis: Biostatistics
Education Background: Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and Bachelor of Arts in Biology from the University of Oklahoma; Master of Science in Mathematics from the University of Oklahoma
Research Interests: Missingness in longitudinal data, causal inference in observational frameworks, addiction research, statistical methods for health policy evaluation
Emphasis: Biostatistics
Education background: Bachelor of Financial Management from Hanyang University (Korea), Master of Statistics from the University of Utah
Research Interests: Clinical data analysis, missing data treatment, longitudinal analysis, causal inference and machine learning
Emphasis: Biostatistics
Education background: Bachelor of Sciences in Pure Mathematics from the University of Calgary; Master of Statistics from Brigham Young University
Research Interests: Dynamic treatment regime, causal inference, and precision medicine
Emphasis: Biostatistics
Education background: Bachelor of Science in Preventive Medicine from Fujian Medical University (China), Master of Public Health from SUNY at Buffalo, Master of Biostatistics from SUNY Buffalo
Research Interests: Causal inference, clinical trials, data mining and statistical application in Omics data
Emphasis: Biostatistics
Education Background: Bachelor & Master of Science from Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Thiruvananthapuram; Master of Science in Applied Statistics from Bowling Green State University, OH
Research Interests: Machine learning, Causal inference in cancer research
Emphasis: Biostatistics
Education Background: Bachelor of Science in Mathematics from Brigham Young University-Hawaii, Master of Science in Statistics from Montana State University
Research Interests: Causal inference, high-dimensional data analysis and visualization, clinical trials, and missing/censored data.
Emphasis: Biostatistics
Education Background: Bachelor of Medicine in Nursing from Peking University (China), Master of Science in Biomedical Informatics from the University of Utah
Research Interests: Machine learning in healthcare, cost effectiveness analysis
Clinical & Translational Epidemiology
Emphasis: Clinical and Translational Epidemiology
Education Background: Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science with a minor in Nutrition at the University of New Hampshire, Master of Science in Health and Exercise Science from Colorado State University
Research Interests: Investigating uses of physical activity to improve mortality, comorbidities, and quality of life in cancer survivors
Emphasis: Clinical and Translational Epidemiology
Education background: Bachelor of Science in Microbiology from Weber State University
Research interests: Investigating novel and modifiable environmental exposures related to cancer risk and exploring inequalities across different population groups
Emphasis: Clinical and Translational Epidemiology
Education Background: Bachelors of Science in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Doctor of Pharmacy from the University of Toledo
Research Interests: Pharmacoepidemiology and cardiovascular diseases
Emphasis: Clinical and Translational Epidemiology
Education Background: Bachelor of University Studies in Population Health Data Science from University of Utah, Master of Science in Geography from University of Utah
Research Interests: Environmental exposures, perinatal complications, spatial data science and inequity
Emphasis: Clinical and Translational Epidemiology
Education Background: Bachelor of Science in Biology and Biochemistry and Masters in Public Health with a Public Health Policy emphasis the University of Arizona
Research Interests: Investigating inheritable genetic variants of complex diseases like cancer, both identifying new genetic variants and understanding the possible predictive and prognostic value of these variants
Emphasis: Clinical and Translational Epidemiology
Education Background: BSc in Ecology from the University of Georgia
Research Interests: Modeling the dynamics of infectious disease transmission, pathogen genomics, effectiveness of interventions
Emphasis: Clinical and Translational Epidemiology
Education background: Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry from Northern Michigan University, Master of Public Health from Westminster College
Research Interests: Infectious disease spread, prevention, and modeling, particularly in healthcare settings
Emphasis: Clinical and Translational Epidemiology
Education Background: Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and Master of Science in Public Health from University of New England
Research Interests: Military and Veteran Health Outcomes
Health Systems Research
Emphasis: Health Systems Research
Education Background: Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science from Utah Valley University, Doctorate of Physical Therapy from Duke University
Research Interests: Health Services Research, Health Economics, Comparative Effectiveness, and Implementation Science
Emphasis: Health Systems & Innovation Research
Education Background: Associate of Science from Ensign College, Bachelor of Science in Exercise and Sport Science with a minor in Pediatric Clinical Research from the University of Utah, Master of Business Administration from Westminster University, Doctor of Business Administration from Drexel University
Research Interests: Investigating factors affecting both physician decision-making and medical innovation adoption, the role hospital operations have in affecting the quality of patient care, minority access to healthcare, the integration of lifestyle/epigenetic considerations into patient treatment plans, and continued development of medical devices to supplement patient medical care.
Emphasis: Health Systems Research
Education Background: Bachelor of Science in International Health from Bethel University; Master of Public Health from Indiana Wesleyan University
Research Interests: Addiction research, increasing access to care within vulnerable populations, and implementation science
Emphasis: Health Systems Research
Education background: Bachelor of Science in Exercise and Sport Science, Master of Healthcare Administration & Master of Public Health from the University of Utah
Research interests: The intersection of public health and healthcare systems, particularly how the two fields can work better together to address health inequities in the community.
Emphasis: Health Systems Research
Education Background: Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and Communication Studies from University of Iowa, Master of Sciences in Human Genetics from University of Michigan
Research Interests: Integration of genetics into primary care
Emphasis: Health Systems Research
Education Background: Bachelor of Science in Public Health from Utah State University, Master of Public Health from the University of Utah
Research Interests: Improving treatment of suicide ideation (access, diagnosis, etc) among vulnerable populations including teenagers, veterans and other populations
Emphasis: Health Systems Research
Education background: Bachelor of General Psychology from Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Master of Psychometrics from Allameh Tabataba'i University of Tehran
Research interests: Health risk behaviors (addiction, gambling), health disparities in minority population, cognitive impairment in aging, traumatic brain injuries
Emphasis: Health Systems Research
Education background: Bachelor of Arts in Biology from St. Olaf College, Master of Physician Assistant Studies from St. Catherine University
Research interests: Addiction and Mental Health Research, Implementation Science, Health, and Health Disparities
Emphasis: Health Systems Research
Education Background: Bachelor of Science in Economics from the University of Utah, Master of Science in Economics from the University of Utah
Research Interests: Cost effectiveness analysis
Emphasis: Health Systems Research
Education background: Bachelor of Science in Biology from the University of Utah, Master of Business Administration from the University of the People
Research interests: Underutilization of Neurology Care to Underrepresented Ethnic Minority and Socioeconomic impact in Rare Neurological Conditions
Emphasis: Health Systems Research
Educational Background: Bachelor of Science in Exercise and Sports Science from the University of Utah
Research interests: Public policy, health disparities, health economics, and access to care
Emphasis: Health Systems Research
Educational Background: Bachelor of Science in Chemistry from the University of Utah
Research interests: Public policy, pain management, opioids, health disparities, alternative medicine
Emphasis: MD-PhD Student
Educational Background: Bachelor of Science in Chemistry and Master in Science in Physiological Sciences from the University of Arizona
Research interests: Clinical utility of patient reported outcomes and how they can improve surgical decision making
Emphasis: MD-PhD Student
Educational Background: Bachelor of Science in Biology from Southern Utah University
Research interests: The relationships between metabolism and cancer pathogenesis