We are committed to advancing knowledge, improving patient outcomes, and informing healthcare decision-making in the realm of cardiovascular health. Driven by a passion for enhancing antihypertensive medication strategies, the Bress lab serves as a hub for multidisciplinary research, fostering collaboration among experts in hypertension, cardiology, health services research, epidemiology, and pharmacogenetics. We are dedicated to conducting cutting-edge research, fostering innovative collaborations, and training the next generation of scientists.

- Population health impact, implementation, and cost-effectiveness of intensive blood pressure treatment
- Optimizing hypertension prevention and treatment with epidemiology and pharmacoepidemiology to reduce aging-related morbidity and mortality
- Hypertension management in minority groups
- Drug treatment effect heterogeneity

- Electronic health records and administrative claims data: Veterans Health Administration
- Observational studies: National Health and Nutrition Examinations Surveys (NHANES), Reasons for Geographic and Racial Differences in Stroke Study (REGARDS), Jackson Heart Study (JHS), Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults (CARDIA)
- Clinical trials: Systolic Blood Pressure Intervention Trial (SPRINT), Women’s Health Initiative (WHI)
I am a formally trained cardiovascular clinical pharmacist and population scientist with a track record of leading successful multi-disciplinary collaborations and a productive publication record. I have training in cardiovascular therapeutics, pharmacogenetics, and epidemiology at Yale, The University of Illinois at Chicago, and the University of Utah. I have experience in cardiovascular disease epidemiology research, with a focus on hypertension using federally funded cohort studies, randomized clinical trials, and electronic health record data including Veterans Affairs data. I have led published projects on the cost-effectiveness, generalizability, and population health impact of intensive blood pressure treatment as first author in three separate papers in the New England Journal of Medicine, Circulation, and the Journal of American College of Cardiology. My research focuses on disparities in prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease. Using pharmacoepidemiology and pharmacogenetics, we try to better understand causes of racial differences in medication responses and outcomes. We apply these findings to understand the population-level impact, generalizability, and cost-effectiveness in diverse groups. I am passionate about recruiting, selecting, mentoring, and training the next generation of population scientists.