Scan & Optimization of Decision Aids for Atrial Fibrillation
Researchers here at the University of Utah collaborated with the Mayo Clinic to identify existing tools that help patients with a common heart rhythm problem (AFib) and their doctors discuss ways to prevent strokes. Experts and patients reviewed these tools and identified features that were modified and added to create two new tools.
One tool is used by patients on their own; one tool is used by patients with their clinician. These tools are currently being tested in the RED-AF project led by Dr. Elissa M. Ozanne.
Funded by American Heart Association & Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute

Victor M. Montori, MD
Angela Fagerlin, PhD
Elissa M. Ozanne, PhD
Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN
Shared Decision Making Tools for People Facing Stroke Prevention Strategies in Atrial Fibrillation: A Systematic Review and Environmental Scan
Shared Decision Making; Decision Aid; Educational Tools; Adult; Anticoagulants; Atrial Fibrillation; Decision Making; Decision Support Tool; Patient Engagement; Stroke Prevention